Saturday 19 May 2012

The best things in life are free......

As we approach our first born's 8th birthday I find myself overly excited in preparations.  There are treats to hand out to his class mates on Friday, cakes to bake, extra food to make as the party venue's food is pretty average , the party bags to hand out at the end of the party, then the Thank you cards after the event.

And boy do I get excited.  " What cake would you like, what treats for your friends, who's coming, haven't heard from such and such, do you know which parents are staying ( This is my cry for help with supervising of 20 plus children ...very very very excited children).

I often find Xavier saying " Muuuum....I already told you"...this is because my over excited brain seeks the need for change to always try and improve his childhood memories.  At worst I figure if I screw everything else up at the very least he will say " My Mum threw me great parties though"!

Which brings me to "THE GIFT". For someone who prides herself on minimalistic living, lives on a budget, and is a hippy at heart, when it comes to my kids birthdays something snaps.  And although I know what we are going to give him next Saturday I find myself still searching for that little extra surprise.

So I asked him, if you could pick 5 things to do on your birthday or receive what would it be?  These were his answers :

1.  That I wake up and I've turned into a Ninjago Lego.

2 .  Play with my friends

3.  Have Nonno come down from heaven and share cake with us

4.  Go on a night walk with our torches.

5.  Play 10 games of Uno without interruption.

Pretty simple really.

 Can't say I can make number 1 happen ( although I have 'ebayed' it).

Can make number 2, 4 and 5 happen.  As for number 3,  I promised him that his Nonno will be looking down from heaven and celebrating with us.

My lesson from Xavier was that not once did he mention a 'thing' to be purchased.  Not to say he does not like 'things', he is a normal child that does ask for things but obviously not to high on his wish list.

As we swing into birthday preparation week I will keep it simple, enjoy his last week of being 7 and take the pressure of creating memorable moments. 

Something tells me they unfold naturally anyway :)

Monday 14 May 2012

Mothers Day 2012

Mothers Day 2012.

I awoke on Mothers Day to Xavier waking me at 5.30am .  Trying to adjust my ears and mind to be "Excited" about the early wake up; after all it was Mothers Day , you can imagine my horror when he said " Mummy I think something is wrong , I can't see".

 As I switched on the light, there was my angel with an eye completely closed and swollen like he had gone and spent time in a wrestling ring over night.

For those that don't know me well , my ability to stay calm in a crisis is not great.  Let's just say that  when the powers from up above were handing out the calm gene - it completely skipped me. 
I answer with an " OH MY GOD...." and Angel answers with " Oh No, I'm going to the hospital aren't I?  And I know what they are going to do.  They are going to lay me down on a bed, take my eye out, replace it with a glass eye and then I'll never see again".
I must say I was taken back with his knowledge of the glass eye bit.  Can't say we have had "The Glass eye" chat.

Anyhow, somehow I found some calm and suggested he pop some clothes on and Dad will take him to the local Emergency Dept which is not a hospital. It's just a Dr's room that happens to be situated in the same building as a hospital.

Of course his response was " But what about the Mother's Day presents I got you?"  So we meet half way. Our lives are a continual series of negotiations in this household.

So he got changed, and I opened my beautiful heartfelt gifts from all 3 Boys .
 Xavier carefully chose socks for me and bath crystals from the School Mothers Day stall. 

"Here are some socks because your always saying you cannot find socks.  Here are some bath crystals for us all to share in a bath and here are some mints for your stinky breath in the morning".

Roman was a little more subtle.  "Here is a necklace because you never wear jewellery and you should, and here are some rose petals that turn into soap as we never have normal soap only liquid soap".

And Samuel was simply sweet . "Happy Mummies Day , here's a pwant (plant) now you make pancakes, I'm hungry".

I am pleased to say that Xavier's eye turned out to be an allergic reaction and my boys happily ate their way through many pancakes.

I do want to thank my Boys for making me feel so loved.  My Husband cooked up a delicious roast lunch and encouraged me to take my own Mum shopping.

I had the perfect Mother's Day.  Healthy Children.  What more could a Mother ask for?

Must go now,

Need to wear my socks , jewellery, whilst bathing in my crystals and holding my plant :)
8 Years ago my Husband and I started our family.  Our human family that is.  Prior to babies,  our family consisted of 2 dogs, a budgie and the resident possum!

Our first born was Xavier, followed 2 years later by Roman and last but not least Samuel.   I was blessed to have smooth pregnancies, fairly uncomplicated births and seriously loved the baby stages.  Every single bit of it.  Up in the middle of the night - my favorite time by far, spending days in PJ's marvelling and fussing at these incredible creations,  milestones being achieved - all at their own pace and watching our family grow and strengthen.  It is probably the reason why we had 3 babies so close together .  As soon as one could walk we were ready for the next addition. 

My Husband and I both had agreed that we wanted to be "finished" by our late 30's and we acheived that.  When they handed us '7 pound 2' Samuel Hunter Black we knew we were complete.  We both looked at each other, felt incredibly lucky to be holding our 3rd healthy boy and in a 'no words needed kind of moment' knew we were done.

This blog is not going to be about how blissful our lives are. In fact far from it.  This is simply going to be a diary of moments , be it funny or sad.  But most importantly I hope to cherish their journey of childhood and share our experiences with others.

You may find comfort, laughter, common ground or just an easy late night read here.

Hope you will enjoy this as much as I will enjoy writing,

Yours in Parenthood,

Deb :)